Like I Said in my last post, my world, I <3 Chickens, was destroyed. Well, none of my other worlds were destroyed at all. But on ,  I <3 Chickens,  the terrain changed. Why.  Is the exact word I am thinking right now, because none of my other worlds were destroyed, So why was I <3 Chickens?

Sorry my post for this is a little late. I got to have all my friends over for the holidays and thats a little distracting. Anyways, I to see my best friend, Agent Chicken over. My little brother, Sheeperton, and I went caroling with Agent Chicken, Mr. Cow, and  Parol Officer Pig. Sorry that my last post hasn't been since 4 months, I was on Vacation in Yumi. More about that on my next post.

Hey, you Minecraft lovers, well I build all my things from the minecraft pocket edition. Today when I updated it, I was so thrilled because of all new items and blocks I got. About two minutes after I looked at all the new stuff I looked around my favorite town and saw that the terrain had changed. Thats when my heart completely emptied. And I had wished I never downloaded the game. Half of my town was destroyed. Buildings gone, coved in dirt, sand and new trees and plants.  I hated my life right at that moment. And thought of all the times when I had happily played through my minecraft world, pretending to be people buying houses, and kids going to school. Before the UPDATE ATTACK happened.  I didn't want to near that town again. Then I thought about all of our other worlds and what happened to them. Any ways the point is if you get the pocket edition, DON"T UPDATE IT OR DON"T GET IT OR IT WILL CAUSE YOU ALOT OF PAIN. I guess minecraft updates are too good to be true.

Hi its me Mr.Sheepington! I'm here to tell you that i'm going to start a website. The address is Oh, and don't forget,    

Thanks so much for checking back! And don't forget to comment!

Hi sheep fans! Anyways, when I play Minecraft, I usually don't know what to build. So I started making lists of buildings I can build. Some of those lists got pretty long. I made these lists because I have this one amazing town, I <3 Chickens, where I have every thing! Banks, Grocery Stores, Hotels, even Skating Rinks and bowling alleys.  So, I know how it fells when you don't know what to build. Thats why I'm going to post some of my Ideas here. I will update this page every week, so that every one has plenty of time to build it.

craft store
coffee shops
drive thru burger restaurants
theme parks
town pools
bake shops
 Candy stores
petting zoos
apartment buildings
pizza shop
jewelry shops

Thats all for now!
check back next week.

Hi it me again! As you see in the poster below. That is a family of sheep. You can save millions of sheep families every day. Shear and save our sheep.

Sheep love you. So have a heart and Shear not spear.

Sheep are a part of what makes minecraft, the minecraft it is now. Lets change that old minecraft, full of hatred and killing, to a peaceful land where animals graze through green meadows and villagers roam the streets at night. Change your passion for killing minecraft animals. Have a Heart these animals all have one too.

Here look at this:

Does anyone not see the Wool (1) if killed
                                      Wool (1-3) if sheared


PS here is a super cute valentine.

Hi its me! Your probably wondering what AOSS stands for, well it means Asosiation Of Saving Sheep or AOSS. Here is an informing poster.

This is exactly what i'm trying to say.

Hi it's me again! So do you like the new blog design? The header is my favorite part anyways, now anyone can post comments. So please comment me! By the way keep spreading the word to save our sheep, and shear our sheep. And...

                                              the recipe of the day is:
     Start with a regular square sugar cookie. Then get some fondant in these colors. Draw the grid with an edible marker. Then fallow these simple instructions and you will have sheep cookies. Use furnace to bake.

Sorry I haven't posted in a while. I had just gotten back from a giant sheep family reunion. Also, check out my new activities page, you can find fun things to do there. I am working on a Minecraft card game. Up to four people can play it at a time. Another thing you can do on my activities page is that you can get some of my really cool homemade blog buttons. And I am starting a new thing it is a weekly thing called:

                                                    MR. SHEEPINGTON'S  RECIPES

It is where I will post some of my favorite foods that I eat in minecraft. I will post the first recipe later. Here is a hint , sheep.

                                                  Mr. Sheepington

P.S. I am very happy you have chosen to save the sheep of Minecraft. Keep it up and spread the word!!
2. The Daily Sheep
You are in a dark cave and you spot a sheep down in the cave. It cannot get out. What would you do?
A. Forget about the sheep and let it spend the rest of its days down in there.
B. Try to get the sheep out, but you accidently fall in yourself. You are now mad at yourself and the sheep and kill the sheep to get revenge.
C. Build a staircase up and out of the cave for the sheep, then get onto wheat and lead the sheep to safety.
D. Flood the whole cave with lava. I mean, there are mobs down there that want to kill you, and it's only one sheep. Right?

I will post the correct answer at 6:00.                                 #lolsheep
Hey, I'm back with the answer for The Daily Sheep 1.
                        The correct answer is D. It is the safest, most sure way no animals will get hurt.

               Please enjoy these Minecraft pics!

This is my best bud, Wooly.

A chicken building. There is an actual house inside.

This a dam I built. I will post instrux later.
Here is the recipe:

This is a rainbow sheep. Cool, right? I called him Blue.


You can actually craft an explosive sheep! I do not recommend doing this, but I will not post the crafting recipe until I get 16 comments. Also, use shears!!!!!


                       LOL COWS
This is my cow house.
Hey, it's me Mr.Sheepington, I am here to tell you to leave me comments. I want to start putting other sheep lovers Minecraft creations on my blog. In order to have your creations posted on my blog, you must type in your Minecraft username. You do not need to have a picture to have your creation posted, all you need is to give me descripted words that explain what you have built. IN ORDER TO get your creation posted on my blog you NEED to type this in the comment box:

Submitted by:

Also, I only put the things that I think stand out and that I like on my blog. If your first creation doesn't pass the test, don't stop telling me your creations!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! #sheepskeeptrying

Here is the next new thing, I will be doing a Daily Sheep. The Daily Sheep is just like a Daily Question, but every question is about Minecraft. post your answer in the comment section. Here is the first one:
                           1. Daily Sheep
                           You find a pit of lava in the middle of a meadow full of sheep
                           and other animals. What do you do?
                           A. You sit and enjoy watching the animals go one by one into the lava pit.
                           B. You put fence all around the lava pit, after all no animals could be hurt now.
                           C. You hold the animals favorite food and fly over the lava pit to lead them in.
                           D. You use a bucket of water to immediately put out the lava, you don't want         
                                to take any chances.

At 6:00 I will post the correct answer. Please post any compliments or complaints in the comments.


Here is another minepic! It's quite easy to build but, can make any back of a building have more look.

Item: Garbage and recycling bins
Submitted by: Mr.Sheepington
Materials: Green Wool
                    Blue Wool
                    2 signs
Description: The garbage and recycling bins are great to put in restaurants and behind buildings. You can also put them in parks to add some extra color.   
This is me, Mr.Sheepington. I am begging you to use shears on a sheep to get wool. Here are three reasons why.
1.You get more wool (3) when you use shears on a sheep and you only 1 wool wen you kill a sheep.
2.Sheeps are nice, cute animals that deserve respect.
3.JUST DON'T KILL THEM!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
    Oh, and if you have a tamed wolf (dog) and you tap a sheep and the wolf starts attacking it, you are still responsible for the death of it.

Think about it. A sheep is just like this hippo. Would you kill this hippo? Now think about it. Would you really kill a sheep?

Please tell me (Mr.Sheepington) your thoughts in the comments.

This is a Long Bridge. I built the long bridge in an old fashioned town, but the long bridge can also be built in a big city.

Item: Long Bridge
Submitted by: Mr.Sheepington
Materials: Anything, But the materials I used were Oak planks and bricks. Must be a solid block.
Description: The Long Bridge is a great way to build on water. You can make the Long Bridge as tall and as long as you want.
Hey, look it's a new post by Mr.Sheepington! Here is another minepic!

Item: Lava Falls
Submitted by: Mr.Sheepington
Materials: 1 lava bucket
                 1 already grown tree
How to: First find the top and middle of the tree. If you place the lava bucket on top of the middle of the tree, the lava will fall down the sides of the tree and look like a water fall, only with lava. A Lava Fall!
Description: A lava fall is a great addition to any village, town, or world. DON'T EVER PLACE BY ANY WOOD ITEM, or massive fire damage will happen.

I am Mr.Sheepington. An awesome Minecraft origami sheep, I am also a great Minecraft player.
 Every day I will post a new picture of something I built on Minecraft, and might tell you how to build it. Here is one MinePic!!!

Item: Curved Dentist Couch
Submitted by: Mr.Sheepington
Materials: 4 Quartz Stairs
Description: The curved dentist couch is a great addition to any waiting room. The way I use the curved couch is in this dentist waiting room.

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